Love Local Food

The Green Schools’ Love Local Food programme helps children and young people to understand where their food comes from. The focus is on growing and harvesting food in school grounds with pupils cooking and tasting the results of their labour.

Nourishing a Neighbourhood (NaN)

This was a pilot Love Local Food programme based at Community Cafés run by Groundwork in Hillingdon.

It’s all about helping kids to learn to love healthy food by growing and cooking it at NaN kids cafés. Click here to find out more.

Child planting salad

The Love Local Food Programme

Schools taking the taster option can try out sample elements of the programme, whilst a school that commits to becoming a hub school receives greater support to develop the three key areas all Green Schools focus on:

Curriculum  – we help you identify the many different ways food growing can be incorporated into the curriculum.

Campus – we will help you make physical changes to your site which might include installing raised beds, polytunnels or even a pizza oven!

Community – ensure your wider community gets involved in your food growing project by inviting in the local community to help you build, grow harvest.

To find out what schools working on the Love Local Food programme in Hillingdon have been doing, downloading this recipe book.

Growing beds and polytunnel
A Growing Appetite

Last year we worked with schools in Windsor and Maidenhead on a project called ‘A Growing appetite’. Ten schools have developed their growing areas in their school grounds and have received training from the Children’s Food Trust on how to cook what they have grown. The project is funded by the Heathrow Community Fund and the Prince Philip Trust Fund. If you’d like to run a similar project in your school do email us on [email protected]


Growing Minds recipe book launch (1)

Get Involved

If you are interested in developing a growing area in your school grounds please contact us on [email protected].

What to grow this winter

If you’re looking for ideas for what to grow over the winter top-10-winter-vegetables might inspire you!