Hillingdon Green Schools – Energy and Waste needs new recruits. FREE

If you are a Hillingdon school you may not be aware or our  Green schools Energy and Waste programme. This well funded programme has lots of places available and lots to offer schools who want to become more environmentally conscious as a school.

This year we need 6 schools to sign up. The programme is free!

  1. An eco-advisory report – we interview you and find ways you can improve.
  2. 2 days of Eco workshops and an eco-assembly – to help change student behaviours.
  3. 4 eco club after school workshops  – helping your eco-council to be more effective
  4. Celebration Event for participating eco clubs at Lakeisde EfW – Due to be held in April or May
  5. Education visit to / tour of Lakeisde EfW (We may be able to help pay for your travel there too)
  6. Access to Green schools network events. – some free and some discounted teacher training events.
  7.  Renewed bins and bin signage on campus – we replace your recycling bins (£200)
  8.  Green Cone and/or Ridans food waste composting facilities and the expertise you need to use it processing your cooked food waste. (£200-700)


For more information about this programme please contact:  [email protected]